- Half Century of Professional Experience with Families and Children. Distinguished Public Service Award from Mayor’s Office for Work with Families and Children.
- Mental Health Professional of the Year Awarded by The New York Democratic Club April 2010
- Fellow of American Psychotherapy Association since 1998
- Fellow of American Orthopsychiatric Association
- Diplomate American Psychotherapy Association
- Listed in National Director of Family Therapy Providers Outreach Centers throughout the U.S.
- Nationally Certified Psychologist
- Fellow of the American Psychotherapy Association
- Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
- Fellow of the American Orthopsychiatric Association
- Executive Director, National Parents’ Rights Association
- Mental Health Professional of the Year (2010)
- 1988 to Present: Director and Founder – Family Therapy Institute – private practice in family therapy and psychotherapy with emphasis on custodial disputes, parenting time, identity crisis and a systems approach to family dynamics. Both individual and group therapy offered. Multidisciplinary comprehensive approach to family therapy, Court appointed family forensic evaluator in over ten states and therapist by the Court.
- Subspecialty – Expert witness qualified well over 2,000 times in custodial matters, parenting time, family disputes. Rendered opinions throughout the U.S. for such groups as New York State United Teachers, Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association, Legal Services of New York, National Organization of Men, AMA affiliated doctors, Justices of the Supreme Court, 18B – Panel of Appellate Division, New Jersey Counsel of Children’s Rights, HURT – Help Us Return Children, Blacks Against Racial Genocide.
- 2006: Assessing parental alienation for Public Defender, State of New Jersey.
- 1996 – 1998: Professor of Family Development & Human Sexuality at Nassau Community College.
- 1988 – 1990: Director of Unit, Jewish Association for Services for the Aged. Supervised five psychiatric social workers in deliverance of health services; trained graduate interns in family therapy.
- 1980 – 1988: Private practice in family therapy, sexual abuse and domestic violence Pembroke Lakes, Florida. Consultant in drug counseling. Rendered opinions in Circuit Court of Florida.
- 1979 – 1985: Director of Psychiatric Unit, South Florida State Hospital. Overall responsibility for six clinical psychologists, three psychiatrists and staff of 150. Directed family intervention program on unit, supervised, candidates for licensure in psychology, family therapy and social work. Chairman of EEOC Committee for entire hospital – conducted fact-findings on discrimination.
- 1976 – 1979: Executive Director, Handicapped Program of Miami for which awarded gold key for City of Miami Beach, Director and Owner of Institute of Family & Child Development, Kendall Lakes, Florida –pioneer in practice of family therapy. Member of Youth Advisory Board for Juvenile Board of State of Florida.
- 1974 – 1976: Associate Director, Montanari Residential Treatment Center – Hialeah, Florida – largest private children’s psychiatric institution in country. Overall responsibility for 600 children and staff of 10 psychiatrists and 20 psychologists; directed family crisis program at hospital. Responsible for hospital accreditation.
- 1971 – 1974: Senior Mental Health development staff specialist-Hutchings Psychiatric Center – ran training programs for staff in counseling and human relations; awarded.
- 1969 – 1970: Chancellor Associate Vice Chancellor, Ithaca College, Ithaca, New York. Special consultant to develop “Ithacare” – special congregant housing for the elderly; nominated to Alpha Task Force for Tompkins County.
- 1970: Established program in Israel in counseling and family therapy.
- 1962 – 1970: Counselor, Board of Education, Bureau for Socially Maladjusted Children – Early Identification Programs. Worked on Ocean Hill Brownsville project and Brookdale Psychiatric Project. Guest speaker at monthly Ground Round sessions at Brookdale.
- 1965 – 1966: Established programs in Germany for Deutscher Entwinglungdienst – German Diplomatic program.
- October and November, 2017, Dr. Monty completed 30 hours of training at the Ackerman Institute.
- 1500 hours of my own personal supervision for family therapy and family psychology.
- 3000 hours of continued educational seminars in family psychology and family therapy beyond my doctorate.
- 1500 hours of my own personal psychoanalytical supervision.
- Supervised family therapy, psychology and social workers for over 3000 hours of personal supervision for licensure.
- Florida License #3248826 — Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist
- Diplomate, American Psychotherapy Association (I.D. #001916).
- Elected certified, clinical member of American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy (“AAMFT”), Identification No. 14809 (completed 1200 hours of supervision for membership).
- Clinical member of the American Orthopsychiatric Association.
- Licensed as a family therapist and psychotherapist in Florida (License #MT0540).
- Marriage and family therapist in Georgia (License #00677).
- Nationally certified forensic counselor (I.D. #14024).
- Over 50 certifications from Harvard.
- 1998 – Nominated Fellow of the American Orthopsychiatric Association.
- North Carolina License #818 in Marriage and Family Therapy.
- National Certified Psychologist #01204 – Oklahoma (Boards located in Oklahoma).
- 2003: Certified Board of Forensic Examiners – Domestic Violence.
- 2002 – 2003: 20 hours of advanced mediation training – N.Y.S. Dispute Resolution Association – Fordham Law School (Certified).
- 1958 – 1962: Bachelor of Arts, Philosophy, Ithaca College; President of Philosophy Club; co-editor of newspaper.
- 1962 – 1965 – M.S. – St. John’s University – Counseling ( Ed. School) – Psychology – 60 credits.
- 1969: Master of Public Administration (MPA), New York University-completed 60 credits. Thesis on Oriental Migration to Israel. Numerous projects on mental health planning in inner cities and developing countries. Advisor, Hon. Oscar Kraines, former Administrator, Judicial Conference, State of New York. Highest mark in administrate intern exam in New York State. NYU Graduate School of Public Affairs was rated #1 in the country in 2004 by U.S. News and World Report.
- 1990 – 1998: 50 hours and certificates at Ackerman Institute of Marriage and Family Therapy – Couples Therapy.
- 1996 – 2006: 400 hours – Advanced training – Harvard Department of Psychiatry – Cambridge Institute, Harvard Medical School.
- 1997 – 1998: 40 hours – Domestic Violence – Victims Services N.Y.C. – Jewish Children & Family Services.
- 1986 – 1989: Doctor of Psychology (Psy.D.), Heed University, Hattie Rosenthal School of Psychoanalysis.
- Completed six independent projects in family therapy – 3 case studies, 2 projects in theories and psychoanalysis of family therapy, and an analysis of family therapy techniques (School chartered in Wisconsin & Virgin Islands). Member and Advisor – Dr. Ronald Hirsch, Miami, Florida.
- 2007: Appointed to Executive Committee, District 21, Board of Education Planning Committee (P.S. 215).
- 2006: Appointed to the Board of Directors of the National Association for Psychology.
- 2005: Commended by Governor Pitaki in April of 2005 for son and daughter-in-law serving in the Armed Forces of the United States.
- 2004: Member of the Coalition for Concerned Legal Professionals, New York and Nationally.
- 2004: Member and affiliated with the Justice Project, Washington , D.C.
- 2004: Member of the Princeton Club.
- 2004: Honored by the Democratic Party for Community Service.
- 2004: Supervise Practicum for Graduate Students at Connecticut State University.
- 2002: Worked with the Christian Law Center in California.
- 2002 – 2003: Author of Bi-monthly article on Terrorism for the American Psychotherapy Association Journal.
- 2002: Who’s Who in American Professionals.
- 2001: Expert Witness List – Public Defender’s Office – State of New Jersey.
- 2001: Americans for Justice and Judicial Reform – Leadership Council Federal Court of Appeals.
- 2001: Member of the Editorial Board of the American Psychotherapy Association.
- 2001: Selected to a member of the Family Mental Health Delegation to China.
- 2001: Certified Member of the New York State Dispute Resolution Association, Inc.
- 2001: Member of Amnesty International on issues of Civil Rights.
- 2000: Referral List for Litigants of Divorce – Manhattan Supreme Court.
- 2000: Pro Se Litigant before the U.S. Federal Court of Appeals, Second Circuit.
- 2000: Member American Civil Liberties Union.
- 2000: Member and affiliated – Southern Poverty Law Center.
- 1999: Fellow American Orthopsychiatric Association.
- 1999: Helped amend National Family Therapy exam.
- 1998: Works on Migration to Israel & Psychological Effects – catalogued, Jewish Theological Seminary.
- 1997: Testified before N.Y. Legislature on shared parenting.
- 1997: New Jersey Senate Judiciary Committee Referral List.
- 1996: Candidate for Democratic Party nomination for the 41 st Assembly District.
- 1996: Mentor, New York University Wagner School of Public Service – graduate school.
- 1995 – Present: Member, American Orthopsychiatric Association; reviewed 15 books on law, psychiatry, psychology, psychoanalysis & family therapy.
- 1995: Expert witness – International Custody case in Germany (Reported by Washington Post).
- 1995: Outstanding Service Award – Coalition of Fathers’ and Women’s Groups.
- 1994 – 1996: Director of Mental Health, National Association for Fathers (12,000 members).
- 1994: Chairman of Gender Committee, New York Association of Marriage and Family Therapy.
- 1988: Chairman, legislative committee of New York Chapter of AAMFT.
- 1978: Gold Key, City of Miami Beach – Handicapped Program.
- 2006 – Awarded the Humanitarian Award for Tireless Dedication and Work for Families and Children presented at the Annual New York Democratic Dinner.
- 2005 – The Flag of the United States was presented to the Weinstein family by the Commanding Officer of the Stryker Brigade in honor of our steadfast support of our troops.
- 2005 – Commended in an award ceremony with other honorees for outstanding contribution to City of New York by Mayor Blumberg.
- 2004 – Distinguished Public Service Award given to me by the Deputy Mayor, Borough President and Congressman for outstanding community service in my respective field.
- 2004 – Proclamation issued by the Borough President for outstanding service to the people of Brooklyn and the community at large.
- 2004 – Commended by the Governor of the State of New York, Governor Pataki, as one of the families whose son is serving honorably in the Armed Forces of the United States.
- Numerous appearances on television talk shows such as CNN’s “Sonya Live”, “The Shirley Show”, “Geraldo Live” on CNBC, on issues of domestic violence and news programs such as Channel 2 “The People” with J.J. Gonzalez, Tom Brokaw – NBC Nightly News, CBS Nightly News, CBS National News, CNBC “Steals and Deals”, “News Watch” Channel 1. 1998 – God Squad – Channel 55 – “Archbishop Hartman – Divorce in New York”.
- Featured speaker on “Children of Divorce” – weekly program on satellite Channel 3, “Dark Side of Psychiatry”, guest on “Women of Color” – Manhattan & Paragon Cable, guest expert on America’s Talking, CNBC national network, November, 1995.
- September presentation to prison inmates, guest speaker at Rikers Island, guest speaker at Community School District No. 1, and Channel 9 interview on domestic violence.
- 1999 – Numerous shows on the deliverance of psychological services – Manhattan Cable.
- Invited to address the Senate, State of Florida, on issues of children and child welfare.
- Testified as an expert before numerous legislative committees including former Attorney General Oliver Koppell’s Senate Judiciary Committee on women and minorities in the Court, sexual abuse and Court reform.
- Testified as an expert in the Republic of Germany on an international foster care case; featured speaker on national radio, German National Broadcasting, Berlin.
- Testified as an expert before the New York Bar Association in the Supreme Court, Appellate Division, Second Judicial Department on judicial and legal reform. Interviewed and cited on family therapy approaches in the Staten Island Advance, Maariv, National Review, The Amsterdam News, Shimbun, a Tokyo Newspaper, and other publications. Publications in numerous professional journals.
- Published testimony on Judicial Reform for Chief Judge, Court of Appeals in June, 1995.
Publications in Annals, The National Journal of The American Psychotherapy Association
- Spring 2007 – Terrorism, Psychotherapy and the Clashing of Reality.
- Fall 2006 – The Psychological Dilema of Terrorism Post-9/11.
- Fall of 2005 – Terrorism, Katrina and Four Years After 9/11.
- Summer of 2005 Terrorism and the Double Message.
- Winter of 2004 Terrorism and Innocence.
- Fall of 2004 – Three Years After 9/11.
- Spring of 2004 – Terrorism, the Ongoing Phenomenon.
- Fall of 2003 – Terrorism and Our Children.
- Winter of 2003 – Terrorism and the Inner Conflict.
- Summer of 2003 – Terrorism and the Double Standard.
- Winter of 2002 – Psychological Effects of Terrorism.
Book Review for the Overview Section of Readings of the American Orthopsychiatric Association:
- Legal and Healthcare Ethics for the Elderly
- Older Adults’ Decision-Making and the Law
- A Stranger in the Family: Culture, Families and Therapy
- Children of the Dragonfly: Native American Voices on Child Custody and Education
- The Embedded Self – The Psychoanalytical Guide to Family Therapy
- Wife – Katherine A. Levine – Acting Justice Supreme Court of the State of New York, Kings County. Previously, Senior Attorney with New York State United Teachers. Decisions published extensively in Official Reporter and New York Law Journal. Executive Committee, Congregation Mt Sinai. Active in NYC and Brooklyn Bar Associations. Graduate of Cornell University, School of Industrial & Labor Relations and University of Maryland where she was an editor of the Law Review.
- Son – Major Alan Weinstein, U.S. Army Medical Corps. Fought with U.S. Forces in Iraq as Combat Surgeon. Commended by President Bush for Meritorious Service, April 2007. Currently obstetrician.Daughter-in-Law – Major Karen Weinstein, U.S. Army Medical Corps. National Swimming Champion, Ohio State University. Board Certification and Fellowship in Oncology.
- Daughter – Lemore Zausner, Graduate of NYU School of Public Affairs. Hosted International Forum on Domestic Violence, Palm Beach, Florida.
- Son- in- Law – Sean Zausner, Corporate Executive, Palm Beach Florida
- Daughter – Jacqueline Weinstein, Graduate of Cornell University with Honors with Honors, M.D.- University of Southern California. Residency Tulane University: Throat Oncology.
- Future Son -in-Law – Dr. Michael O’Neal, Emergency Room Physician, Louisiana, State University. engaged to Dr. Jacqueline Weinstein.
- Daughter – Sophia Weinstein, Senior at LaGuardia H.S. for the Performing Arts NYC with Honors., Talented Violist and member of LaGuardia HS Senior Orchestra and Arista. Accepted to Emory University, Atlanta, GA, starting in Fall of 2015.
- Daughter – Moira Weinstein (11). Attends Mark Twain Int. School for the gifted and talented where she plays viola. Gifted tennis player .
- Father – Dr. Joseph Weinstein – Colonel and Senior Officer in the US Army in WWII.
- Dr. Monty Weinstein, Veteran, US Marine Corps, Honorable Discharge.

- Southern Poverty Law Center Leadership Council
- Amnesty International Leadership Council
- American Civil Liberties Union (Patron)
- Justice Project Washington, D.C.
- Human Rights Watch Washington, D.C.
- National Parents Rights Association Chairman of the Board